Besøk fra Vizium vitensenter i Latvia

VilVite har hatt besøk av det latviske vitensenteret Vizium. Samarbeidet mellom VilVite og Vizium har pågått over lang tid, selv om det latviske vitensenteret enda ikke har åpnet dørene til publikum. Med gode råd fra VilVite på veien håper de å kunne åpne i sommeren 2022. 

  • Publisert torsdag 1. april 2021

Les mer om besøket fra Vizium. 

The representatives of the Ventspils Digital Centre met with the representatives of the Science Centre “Vilvite”

In the time period between 30 November and 1 December, the representatives of the Ventspils Digital Centre participated in an experience exchange visit at the Science Centre “Vilvite” in Bergen, Norway. The visit included discussions, workshops, and practical training. The Digital Centre and the Science Centre “Vilvite” have concluded a partnership agreement, which establishes the participation by “Vilvite” in the implementation of the project “Establishment of an Innovation Centre in Ventspils”.

During the visit, the representatives of the Digital Centre met with the management and professionals of the Science Centre “Vilvite”, discussing issues they face on a daily basis to ensure the operation of the Science Centre, as well as focusing on economic and marketing issues. A special focus was given to practical work in developing educational training programmes and their integration into exhibits, creative workshops, and science shows.

The Digital Centre has been cooperating with the Science Centre “Vilvite” since 30 October 2020, and so far, regular online meetings have taken place, during which the Science Centre “Vilvite” has shared their experience in organizing the training at the Science Centre, including the methodology for developing training programmes and other activities of the science centre. Online workshops are held on a regular basis, and they focus on generating ideas and developing a plan for “VIZIUM” training programmes. As a result of the cooperation with the Science Centre “Vilvite”, the Digital Centre is to develop 4 teacher training programmes, 16 pupil training programmes, 6 science shows, and 6 creative workshops, which all are to be implemented at the Science Centre “VIZIUM”.

The Science Centre “Vilvite” has been around for nearly 15 years, and it has extensive experience in developing and organizing school training programmes, classes, and a wide range of recreational activities, including creative workshops, science shows, thematical festivals, contests, competitions, and training of teachers. This cooperation is appealing also to the Norwegian partners, given that the Science Centre “Vilvite” operates mainly in the field of mathematics and science, while the wide range of extra-curricular activities offered by the Ventspils Digital Centre focuses more on the development of information and communication technology (ICT) skills. The Science Centre “Vilvite” also studies the experience of the Digital Centre in using technologies to acquire school subjects. Also, the partners intend to jointly develop robotics, programming, and technology activities in both science centres.

The project budget is EUR 2 011 676, whereas the programme funding accounts for 90% or EUR 1 810 508 (of which 85% are accounted for by the co-funding of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and 15% – by the budget co-funding) and the municipal co-funding – for 10% or EUR 201 168.

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Kontaktperson/Contact person:
Hanne Grete Ringstad

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