VilVite besøker vitensenteret Vizium i Latvia

VilVite har gjennom de siste årene samarbeidet med det nyåpnede vitensenteret Vizium i Latvia. Senteret åpnet i sommer, og representanter fra VilVite fikk se Vizium for første gang i september 2022. 

  • Publisert fredag 25. november 2022

Visit to VIZIUM

On Tuesday, 13 September, and Wednesday, 14 September, representatives from science centre “Vilvite” visited science centre VIZIUM to exchange experience, get to know educational side of science centre’s exposition and exhibits, and to participate in various workshops.

During the visit, the opportunities offered by VIZIUM to schools, families and the general public, as well as ideas on how to improve educational learning programmes and science shows were discussed. Representatives from the Norwegian science centre were introduced to the exposition and the science centre’s building in general. They also took part in educational workshops.

Representatives from “Vilvite” praised the spaciousness of VIZIUM, putting the emphasis on the lobby and the terrace, which gives an additional opportunity to host various activities and events. Norwegian colleagues positively evaluated the opportunities given by the exhibits, especially the Healthy lifestyle gallery and Simulator zone, which promotes activity and movement, thus giving the opportunity for the students during an excursion to not only gain valuable knowledge but also move around and exercise.

Educators from Ventspils Digital Centre also participated in the experience exchange and introduced Norwegian colleagues to robots and apps that they use for learning purposes in interest education. Representatives from “Vilvite” had the opportunity to view experiments and get to know the content and topics of science shows and workshops.

“Vilvite” science centre has worked in STEM for more than 15 years, however Ventspils Digital Centre has a vast experience in ICT. One of the activities for representatives of “Vilvite” were practical classes related to programming, thus learning more about training opportunities for ICT. Representatives of “Vilvite” also appreciated interest education content offered by Digital Centre, which takes part throughout the school year.

Digital Centre and science centre “Vilvite” have signed a partnership agreement, which predicts “Vilvite” participation in the implementation of the project “Establishment of Innovation Centre in Ventspils”.

The activity is implemented within the framework of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism programme “Research and Education” 2014-2021 activity “Innovation Centres”, project “Foundation of an Innovation Centre in Ventspils”, identification number: NFI/IC/VIA/2020/1, number of the contract with State Education and Development Agency for the implementation of the project: 9.-

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Kontaktperson/Contact person:
Hanne Grete Ringstad

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