
Step into the marvelous world of nature and explore life above and below ground – like the interaction between tree roots and fungi in nature's own network. Learn also how algae and photosynthesis can help us create food from waste. Nature is a great source of inspiration for green inventions!

Kids exloring the appletree

The appletree

Explore the digital appletree at VilVite in Bergen and discover a fascinating world where you must utilize nature's resources to bring the orchard to life.

Kids exploring the wood wide web

Wood wide web

Join us underground and explore a marvelously intricate system, where tree roots and fungi collaborate in nature's own network.

Boy exploring insects


We have several insects at VilVite. They are decomposers that assist in the natural cycle by breaking down dead matter into free nutrients that are recycled in the ecosystem.

Life in the soil

Life in the soil

It's pitch black. You hear dripping sounds from the ceiling. You're in some kind of burrow, beneath the ground you usually walk on, deep within the realm of shady critters.

Kids exploring the "From waste to food" exhibit

From waste to food

Can waste be transformed into a lively salmon, ready for the dinner table? Yes, by utilizing resources in waste in a smarter way. Along the way, you'll draw inspiration from nature's methods.

Main collaboration partners VilVite
Collaboration partners