Få 6 i matte (Norwegian)

SKU. 101769
NOK 449,- Få igjen

Are you one of those who find math pretty fun, but feel like you’re not getting enough challenges at school? Maybe you’re stuck with a B and just can’t quite get to an A? Or perhaps you’ve got an A but can’t seem to reach that top mark? This book is for you.

With what you’ll learn here, you’ll find math becomes incredibly exciting! You’ll experience amazing "aha" moments. If you work hard with this book and manage to solve the problems, you'll gain a new and deeper understanding of math. That’s when it gets fun! And from there, it’s just a short step to becoming excellent at math.

This book is perfect for all math enthusiasts, whether you’re a student or a parent, as long as you already have some basic math concepts down. If you're a middle school student or in the early years of high school, you’ll benefit greatly from this book. The focus is on topics that school often doesn’t cover well. It’s all about using algebra in problem-solving, geometry, and especially generalization.

Age: 13 and up.

Main collaboration partners VilVite
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