Pyrite with box

SKU. 101101
NOK 59,- Utsolgt

Pyrite, commonly known as "fool's gold" due to its golden luster, is a fascinating mineral that captures the attention of explorers young and old alike. In nature, pyrite is often found as shiny, irregular lumps, spheres or flat surfaces that reflect light in a magical way. This mineral consists of iron and sulfur (FeS₂) and has been known and used for thousands of years. It was once used to make sparks in fire starters, and its name derives from the Greek word pyr, meaning "fire". Pyrite is found in many places in the world, but some of the finest specimens come from Peru, Italy and Spain.

Did you know?
Although similar to gold, pyrite is lighter, more brittle and leaves a greenish or black streak when rubbed against a surface – perfect for learning the difference between real gold and fake gold!

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